Want to find out your
Seasearch Number?
Image by Matt Doggett
Most volunteers who have taken a Seasearch training course since 2004 will have been given a Seasearch number. This will be written on your qualification record booklet, and should be in the format: xxyy/zz (xx indicates year in two-digit format, yy is course number for that particular year, and zz is course participant number e.g. 2420/30).
If you don't have access to your record book and would like to know your number so you can check your records on line, please fill out the form below and we can let you know what it is.
For other active volunteers who were involved with Seasearch before we ran formal courses, we have assigned unique numbers so you can check your records online. Please complete the form, if you would like to know what your number is.
We are focusing on using pseudonymised identifiers for volunteers to avoid releasing detailed PII (personally-identifiable information) into the public domain in accordance with data protection best practice. Only the central Seasearch team have access to the full list of name-Seasearch number mapping.